
Make the recipe require a specific redstone signal applied on the machine

Redstone requirement is used to make the recipe work only when the machine receive a specific redstone signal.

This requirement is an input only requirement, meaning that you don't have to define the mode property.

It is used only to block or allow the usage of a recipe under certain conditions but don't have any real inputs or outputs.

The requirement type of redstone requirement is : "custommachinery:redstone".


The redstone requirement has 2 mandatory properties.

Mandatory properties

"type": "custommachinery:redstone" //Mandatory to define a redstone requirement.

Name : power

Description :

A range that define the valid redstone signal (between 0 and 15) the machine need to process the recipe.

Example :

The recipe will only start if the machine receive a redstone signal of exactly 1.

"power": "1"


A redstone requirement that will make the recipe start only if the machine received redstone signal is lower or equals than 8.

    "type": "custommachinery:redstone",
    "power": "(,8)"