The pressure requirement can be used in a recipe to require a specific pressure and/or consume/produce compressed air from PneumaticCraft.
The requirement will directly interact with the machine's pressure component, if the machine does nor have a pressure component then the requirement won't work.
This requirement is available in both modes :
Input : require pressure and/or consume air.
Output : produce air.
Pressure requirement must be defined in json with : "type": "custommachinery:pressure" .
The pressure requirement has 2 mandatory properties and 3 optional properties.
Mandatory properties
"type": "custommachinery:pressure"
Name : mode
Description :
Define the I/O mode of the requirement.
input The requirement will check for specified pressure and consume compressed air at the start of the crafting process.
output The requirement will produce compressed air at the end of the crafting process.
Example :
"mode": "input"
Optional properties
Name : min
Description :
A decimal value between -1.0 and 25.0 that define the minimal pressure needed to start the recipe.
Default : -1.0
Example :
The recipe will start if the machine's pressure is above 2bar.
"min": 2.0
Name : max
Description :
A decimal value between -1.0 and 25.0 that define the maximal pressure needed to start the recipe.
Default : 25.0
Example :
The recipe will start if the machine's pressure is below 8bar.
"max": 8.0
Name : volume
Description :
A positive integer that define the amount of compressed air that will be consumed or produced by the recipe depending of whether the mode is input or output.
Default : 0
No compressed air will be consumed or produced by the recipe.
Example :
Set the recipe to consume/produce 1000mL compressed air.
"volume": 1000
A pressure requirement that will make the recipe run only if the machine pressure is between 2bar and 3bar and consume 100mL of compressed air :