Pressure (PNC)

Make the recipe require or produce PneumaticCraft pressure.

This requirement requires Custom Machinery Pneumaticcraft to be installed.

The pressure requirement can be used in a recipe to require a specific pressure and/or consume/produce compressed air from PneumaticCraft.

The requirement will directly interact with the machine's pressure component, if the machine does nor have a pressure component then the requirement won't work.

This requirement is available in both modes :

  • Input : require pressure and/or consume air.

  • Output : produce air.

Pressure requirement must be defined in json with : "type": "custommachinery:pressure" .


The pressure requirement has 2 mandatory properties and 3 optional properties.

Mandatory properties

"type": "custommachinery:pressure"

Name : mode

Description :

Define the I/O mode of the requirement.

  • input The requirement will check for specified pressure and consume compressed air at the start of the crafting process.

  • output The requirement will produce compressed air at the end of the crafting process.

Example :

"mode": "input"

Optional properties


Name : min

Description :

A decimal value between -1.0 and 25.0 that define the minimal pressure needed to start the recipe.

Default : -1.0

Example :

The recipe will start if the machine's pressure is above 2bar.

"min": 2.0

Name : max

Description :

A decimal value between -1.0 and 25.0 that define the maximal pressure needed to start the recipe.

Default : 25.0

Example :

The recipe will start if the machine's pressure is below 8bar.

"max": 8.0

Name : volume

Description :

A positive integer that define the amount of compressed air that will be consumed or produced by the recipe depending of whether the mode is input or output.

Default : 0

No compressed air will be consumed or produced by the recipe.

Example :

Set the recipe to consume/produce 1000mL compressed air.

"volume": 1000


A pressure requirement that will make the recipe run only if the machine pressure is between 2bar and 3bar and consume 100mL of compressed air :

    "type": "custommachinery:pressure",
    "mode": "input",
    "min": 2,
    "max": 3,
    "volume": 100

A pressure requirement that will make the recipe produce 200mL of compressed air :

    "type": "custommachinery:pressure",
    "mode": "output",
    "volume": 200

Last updated