
Help about datapacks

A datapack is a folder (or Zip archive) containing Json files that will be parsed by Minecraft and mods to configure various gameplay elements (recipes, tags, advancements, worldgen etc...)

This wiki covers only the basics, that you need to make custom machines and recipes, for more detailed information about datapacks see the vanilla wiki.

How to make a datapack

  1. Create a new folder, name it as you want, there are no restrictions on the name of that folder.

  2. Inside that folder create a new folder named data

  3. Next to the data folder create a new text file named exactly pack.mcmeta (the .mcmeta is the file extension, be sure that your file isn't named pack.mcmeta.txt

  4. Open the pack.mcmeta file with the text editor of your choice and paste the following :

    "pack": {
        "pack_format": 9,
        "description": "A description for my datapack"

That's it, your folder is now a datapack.

How to load your datapack

The vanilla way

This method won't work if you want to publish your modpack on Curseforge, as it require the world to be generated first.

In vanilla datapacks must be placed in the datapacks folder, which can be found in the world folder.

  • Singleplayer : <instance>/saves/<save_name>/datapacks/<datapack_folder>

  • Server : <instance>/<world_name>/datapacks/<datapack_folder>

If you're playing on a server you don't need to install datapacks in your game (they will be ignored anyway).

The datapacks installed on the server are synched automatically when you connect.

Using Open Loader

  1. Install Open Loader like any other mods.

  2. Place your datapack folder here : <instance>/config/openloader/data/<datapack_folder>

Using KubeJS

If you already have KubeJS installed (don't install it only for loading datapacks).

The <instance>/kubejs/data folder is already a datapack, any json files here will be loaded as they would be in a datapack.

You don't need any pack.mcmeta file.

Last updated