Energy component
Customize the energy buffer of the machine.
This is the component that let your machine interact with the Forge Energy system, it is compatible with most modern mods (IC2 excluded) so any mods that use FE or RF will be able to insert or extract energy to and from your machine.
Energy component is defined as a unique machine component, meaning that you can only have 1 per machine.
If you try to define more than 1 energy component only the last will be used.
Energy component is defined with "type": "custommachinery:energy"
in the json.
The energy component has 2 mandatory property and 3 optional properties :
Mandatory properties
Optional properties
An example of an Energy Component that will allow the machine to store 100000FE, input 1000FE and output 666FE.
You just have to put that in the components
array in the machine json.
The energy generated/consumed by a recipe is not counted in the maxInput/maxOutput value and will bypass it.
Only energy inserted/extracted by a cable or another machine will be counted.
If the maxOutput
property is greater than 0 the machine will try to send its stored energy to any energy receiver next to it.