The radiation requirement and its per-tick variant can be used to make a recipe absorb or emit radiations near the machine.
All radiation amounts are expressed in Sievert (Sv).
Here is a link to the Mekanism javadoc description about radiation amounts.
The requirement type of radiation requirement is "custommachinery:radiation" and for the radiation per tick requirement : "custommachinery:radiation_per_tick".
The radiation requirement has 3 mandatory properties and 1 optional property :
Mandatory properties
"type": "custommachinery:radiation"//Mandatory to define a radiation requirement.OR"type": "custommachinery:radiation_per_tick"//Mandatory to define a radiation per tick requirement.
Name : mode
Description :
A property that define if the recipe will absorb or emit radiations.
input : The recipe will absorb radiations.
output : The recipe will emit radiations.
Example :
The recipe will absorb radiations :
"mode": "input"
Name : amount
Description :
A positive, decimal value that represent the amount (in Sv) of radiations to emit or absorb.
Keep in mind that 1Sv is a very high value, in most case you will need to use mSv (0.001Sv) or even µSv (0.000001Sv) except of course if you need the equivalent of a nuclear reactor meltdown.
Example :
The recipe will absorb/emit 0.001Sv.
"amount": 0.001
Optional property
Name : radius
Description :
Use only in input mode.
A positive integer that represent the radius (in blocks) that the machine will search for radiation sources to absorb.
Default :
The value of Mekanism config radiationChunkCheckRadius (5 by default) x16.
Example :
The machine will search for radiation sources to absorb in a 10 blocks radius.
"radius": 10
A radiation per tick requirement that will make the recipe absorb 0.001Sv each tick :