Heat element (Mekanism)

Add a heat bar in the machine gui.

This element requires Custom Machinery Mekanism to be installed.

The heat gui element is used to display the content of a heat component present in the machine.

Heat elements are defined in json with : "type": "custommachinery:heat".

Note that if you didn't set a heat component in the machine json the heat element will still work but will always show a value of 0.


The heat element has 3 mandatory properties and 7 optional properties :

Mandatory properties

"type": "custommachinery:heat" //Mandatory to define a heat element.

Name : x

Description :

A positive integer value that define the x axis position of the element to be displayed on the Machine GUI.

Example :

The element will be rendered 100px to the right from the top-left corner of the gui.

"x": 100

Name : y

Description :

A positive integer value that define the y axis position of the element to be displayed on the Machine GUI.

Example :

The element will be rendered 100px to the bottom from the top-left corner of the gui.

"y": 100

Optional properties


Name : width

Description :

A positive integer value that define the width of the element on the Machine GUI.

Default :

The same width as the texture specified in the texture property.

Example :

The width of the element will be 100px.

"width": 100

Name : height

Description :

A positive integer value that define the height of the element on the Machine GUI.

Default :

The same height as the texture specified in the texture property.

Example :

The height of the element will be 100px.

"height": 100

Name : priority

Description :

An integer property that define the priority of the Element to be rendered.

Elements with higher priority will be rendered first. If 2 elements are at the same position the first to be rendered will be under and the last will be above.

Default : 0

Example :

The element will be rendered under each element that have a priority lower than 1000.

"priority": 1000
Empty texture

Name : texture_empty

Description :

Point to a texture to use as the empty element texture. The texture must be loaded in-game with a resource pack or a loader mod.

The texture can be any size, if the texture size is different from the default size the width and height properties of the element will be automatically changed to fit the texture size if not provided.

If the width and/or height properties of the element are provided, the texture will be stretched to fit the dimensions of the element (it can render weirdly in that case).

Default :

"texture_empty": "custommachinery:textures/gui/base_fluid_storage.png"

Example :

"texture_empty": "namespace:textures/heat_element_texture_empty.png"

The element will search for a texture located in assets/namespace/textures/heat_element_texture_empty.png

The .png extension is mandatory.

Filled texture

Name : texture_filled

Description :

Point to a texture to use as the filled element texture. The texture must be loaded in-game with a resource pack or a loader mod.

The filled texture will be rendered on top on the empty texture, how much the filled texture overlap the empty texture is relative to the amount of heat inside the heat component.

Default :

"texture_filled": "custommachinery:textures/gui/base_heat_storage_filled"

Example :

"texture_filled": "namespace:textures/heat_element_texture_filled.png"

The element will search for a texture located in assets/namespace/textures/heat_element_texture_filled.png

The .png extension is mandatory.


Name : tooltips

Description :

A list of Text components that will be shown as tooltips when the player mouse cursor hover the element.

Each tooltips of the list will be a new line.

Example :

Replace the default tooltips with a single line that say "Click me !" :

"tooltips": "Click me !"

Name : highlight

Description :

A boolean property, if true the element will highlight (become slightly brighter) when the player mouse hover it. If false the element will not highlight on mouse hover.

Default : true

Example :

The element will not highlight on mouse hover :

"highlight": false


A typical heat gui element :

    "type": "custommachinery:heat",
    "x": 20,
    "y": 20

Result :

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