
Make the recipe consume or produce energy

Energy requirement is used to define energy inputs and outputs for a custom machine recipe.

To use it you just need to provide the amount of energy (Forge Energy aka FE) you want the recipe to consume/produce.

This requirement is available in both input and output modes.

In input mode : When starting to craft the recipe, the machine will consume the specified amount of energy from the machine energy component.

In output mode : When starting to craft the recipe, the machine will produce the specified amount of energy and put it in the machine energy component.

The requirement type of energy requirement is : "custommachinery:energy".


The Energy Requirement has 3 mandatory property and 1 optional property.

Mandatory properties

"type": "custommachinery:energy" //Mandatory to define an energy requirement.

Name : mode

Description :

Define the I/O mode of the requirement.

  • input The requirement will consume energy at the start of the crafting process.

  • output The requirement will produce energy at the end of the crafting process.

Example :

"mode": "input"

The requirement will consume energy at the start of the crafting process.


Name : amount

Description :

A positive integer value that define the amount of energy the recipe will consume/produce.

It can be any positive number but remember that the machine energy component must be able to store at least this amount of energy.

Example :

"amount": 1000

The recipe will consume/produce 1000FE.

Optional property


Name : chance

Description :

A double between 0.0 and 1.0 that define the chance of the requirement to be processed.

Default : 1

The requirement will always be processed.

Example :

"chance": 0.7

The requirement will have 70% chance to be processed.


An energy requirement that will make the recipe produce 2672FE:

    "type": "custommachinery:energy",
    "mode": "output",
    "amount": 2672

An energy requirement that will make the recipe consume 100FE with 80% chance:

    "type": "custommachinery:energy",
    "mode": "input",
    "amount": 100,
    "chance": 0.8