Text component

Customize text.

Text Components are used to display strings to the player, with more formatting options than a default string (color, bold, etc...)

Custom Machinery use these components in various places such as the machine name or tooltips properties.

The Minecraft wiki have a full documentation of how to make text components using json. Be sure to follow the "Java edition" part.

Available properties :

  • text (The text to display)

  • bold (true/false)

  • italic (true/false)

  • underlined (true/false)

  • striketrough (true/false)

  • obfuscated (true/false)

  • color ("colorID" or "#RRGGBB" hex format)

  • font (custom font id, minecraft only provide "minecraft:default")

  • children Not supported !

Example :

Display Hello ! in red and bold.

    "text": "Hello !",
    "bold": true,
    "color": "red"