
Use the entity requirement in a KubeJS recipe

Use one of these methods to add an Entity Requirement to the recipe.

.requireEntities(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)

.requireEntityHealth(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)

.consumeEntityHeathOnStart(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)

.consumeEntityHealthOnEnd(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)

.killEntitiesOnStart(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)

.killEntitiesOnEnd(amount, radius, filter, whitelist)
  • The amount and radius params must be a positive integer.

  • The filter param must be an array of string defining a valid entity id. Example : ["minecraft:cow", "minecraft:pig"...]

  • The whitelist param must be a boolean, if true the filter will be a whitelist, if false it will be a blacklist.


ServerEvents.recipes(event => {

  event.recipes.custommachinery.custom_machine("custommachinery:power_crusher", 100)
  .requireEntities(1, 10, "minecraft:cow", true)