Use one of these methods to add a function that must be processed by the machine to continue the recipe.
Note: This has nothing to do with MC functions (or commands), this requirement allow you to make your own code in ZenScript and pass it to be executed by the machine.
//These imports are needed, put these 2 lines on top of the script.
import mods.custommachinery.Context;
import mods.custommachinery.Machine;
//Executed when the machine is idle and search a recipe to process.
//Returning success will allow the machine to process this recipe (if all other requirements allow it as well).
//Returning error will prevent the machine to process this recipe (the machine will keep searching for another valid recipe).
.requireFunctionToStart((ctx as Context) => {return ctx.success()})
//Executed the first tick of the crafting process.
//Returning success will allow the machine to continue to process this recipe.
//Returning error will put the machine in error status and display the provided error message.
.requireFunctionOnStart((ctx as Context) => {return ctx.success()})
//Executed each tick of the crafting process.
//Returning success will allow the machine to continue to process this recipe.
//Returning error will put the machine in error status and display the provided error message.
.requireFunctionEachTick((ctx as Context) => {return ctx.success()})
//Executed the last tick of the crafting process.
//Returning success will allow the machine to continue to process this recipe.
//Returning error will put the machine in error status and display the provided error message.
.requireFunctionOnEnd((ctx as Context) => {return ctx.success()})
The passed function MUST return a Result.
Valid results are : ctx.success() and ctx.error("Error message")
Context has various methods for interacting with the machine, see it's wiki page
The function can be delayed, put .delay(delay) directly after any .requireFunctionXXX() call to make the function be executed at the specified delay.
import mods.custommachinery.Context;
import mods.custommachinery.Machine;
mods.custommachinery.CMRecipeBuilder.create("custommachinery:power_crusher", 100)
.requireFunctionOnEnd((ctx as Context) => {
var machine = ctx.machine as Machine;
var output = machine.addItemToSlot("output1", <item:minecraft:diamond>, false);
return ctx.error("Couldn't put a diamond in output slot.");
return ctx.success();