Energy per tick

Make the recipe consume or produce energy every tick

Energy per tick requirement is used to define per-tick energy inputs and outputs for a custom machine recipe.

To use it you just need to provide the amount of energy (Forge Energy aka FE) you want the recipe to consume/produce each tick.

This requirement is available in both input and output modes.

In input mode : While crafting the recipe, the machine will consume the specified amount of energy each tick from the machine energy component.

In output mode : While crafting the recipe, the machine will produce the specified amount of energy each tick and put it in the machine energy component.

The requirement type of energy per tick requirement is :"custommachinery:energy_per_tick"


The energy per tick requirement has 3 mandatory properties and 1 optional property.

Mandatory properties

"type": "custommachinery:energy_per_tick" //Mandatory to define an energy per tick requirement.

Name : mode

Description :

Define the I/O mode of the requirement.

  • input The requirement will consume energy at the start of the crafting process.

  • output The requirement will produce energy at the end of the crafting process.

Example :

"mode": "input"

The requirement will consume energy at the start of the crafting process.


Name : amount

Description :

A positive integer value that define the amount of energy the recipe will consume/produce.

It can be any positive number but remember that the machine energy component must be able to store at least this amount of energy.

Example :

"amount": 1000

The recipe will consume/produce 1000FE.

Optional property


Name : chance

Description :

A double between 0.0 and 1.0 that define the chance of the requirement to be processed.

Default : 1

The requirement will always be processed.

Example :

"chance": 0.7

The requirement will have 70% chance to be processed.


An energy per tick requirement that will make the recipe produce 2672FE per tick:

    "type": "custommachinery:energy_per_tick",
    "mode": "output",
    "amount": 2672

An energy per tick requirement that will make the recipe consume 20FE per tick with 50% chance:

    "type": "custommachinery:energy_per_tick",
    "mode": "input",
    "amount": 20,
    "chance": 0.5