Heat (Mekanism)

Make the recipe require or produce Mekanism heat.

This requirement requires Custom Machinery Mekanism to be installed.

The heat requirement (and also heat_per_tick requirement) can be used in a recipe to consume or produce mekanism heat.

The requirement will directly interact with the machine's heat component, if the machine does not have a heat component then the requirement won't work.

This requirement is available in both modes :

  • Input : consume heat, decrease machine temperature.

  • Output : produce heat, increase machine temperature.

This requirement can either consume/produce heat once with "type": "custommachinery:heat" or each tick of the recipe with "type": "custommachinery:heat_per_tick".


The heat requirement has 3 mandatory properties and 2 optional properties.

Mandatory properties

"type": "custommachinery:heat" //Mandatory to define a heat requirement.
"type": "custommachinery:heat_per_tick" //Mandatory to define a heat per tick requirement.

Name : mode

Description :

Define the I/O mode of the requirement.

  • input The requirement will consume heat at the start of the crafting process.

  • output The requirement will produce heat at the end of the crafting process.

Example :

"mode": "input"

The requirement will consume heat at the start of the crafting process.


Name : amount

Description :

A positive integer that define the amount of heat you want to be consumed/produced.

Note : the amount here is not a temperature, but the heat stored by the machine.

stored_heat = machine_temperature * heat_capacity

If you want to know how much the machine temperature will change depending on the amount specified here you have to do :

temperature_change = amount / base_temperature

where temperatures and capacity are in Kelvin.

Example :

"amount": 1000

The recipe will consume/produce 1000 heat. If the machine heat capacity is 273K (default), the machine temperature will increase/decrease by 1000/273=3.66K

Optional properties


Name : chance

Description :

A double between 0.0 and 1.0 that define the chance of the requirement to be processed.

Default : 1

The requirement will always be processed.

Example :

"chance": 0.7

The requirement will have 70% chance to be processed.


Name : delay

Description :

A double value, between 0.0 and 1.0 that represents at which time of the recipe the requirement action must be executed. A delay of 0.5 represent half of the recipe, 0.25 a quarter etc...

Doesn't work for per_tick requirements.

Default : 0

The requirement action will be executed on start if mode is input or on end if mode is output.

Example :

"delay": 0.33

The requirement action will be executed when the recipe progress time is at (approximatively) a third of the recipe total duration.

Note :

If delay is specified the requirement will be only executed at the specified delay, independently of the mode property.


A heat requirement that will make the custom machine recipe produce 1000 of Mekanism heat with 50% chance :

    "type": "custommachinery:heat",
    "mode": "output",
    "amount": 1000,
    "chance": 0.5

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