The requirement modifier has 4 mandatory properties and 2 optional property.
Mandatory properties
Name : requirement
Description :
The type of the requirement you want to apply the modifier to. This is the same type as the one you specify in the type property when defining the requirement in the recipe json.
Example :
"requirement": "custommachinery:energy"
This modifier will be applied to the energy requirement.
Note :
The recipe duration can also be modified with this system.
Use custommachinery:speed to target it.
Warning : Using this as a requirement will alter the recipe process duration, which is the opposite of the speed (the lower the duration the faster the speed).
Name : mode
Description :
The mode of the requirement you want to apply the modifier to. It can be either input or output but not both.
Example :
"mode": "input"
This modifier will be applied only on input requirements.
Name : operation
Description :
The mathematical operation that will be applied to the targeted requirement property by the modifier. The available operations are :
addition : The resulting value will be the sum of the base requirement value and the modifier value multiplied by the amount of upgrades.
final_value = base_value + upgrade_modifier * upgrade_amount
multiplication : The resulting value will be the multiplication of the base requirement value and the modifier value multiplied by the amount of upgrades.
final_value = base_value * upgrade_modifier * upgrade_amount
exponential : The resulting value will be the multiplication of the base requirement value and the modifier value powered to the amount of upgrades.
final_value = base_value * upgrade_modifier ^ upgrade_amount
Example :
"operation": "multiplication"
The base requirement value (defined in the recipe) will be multiplicated by the value defined in this modifier.
Name : modifier
Description :
The value (double) to add or multiply to the base requirement value. It can be positive or negative and support decimal numbers.
Example :
"modifier": 0.5
Optional properties
Name : target
Description :
Some requirement have more than one value that can be modified.
In that case the target property can be used to define which one of the requirement property you want to modify.
For example some requirement have a chance property that can be modified by the upgrade, simply use "target": "chance" to target the chance property instead of the default one.
Default : empty
The modifier will be applied to the default property of the defined requirement.
Example :
In case of the Entity Requirement the default property is amount so if you want to modify the radius property you can do :
"target": "radius"
Name : chance
Description :
The chance the modifier will be applied to the requirement, this have nothing to do with the chance property some requirement have and will be applied independently.
This value must be between 0 and 1 where 0 is 0% chance to be applied and 1 is 100% chance.
Default : 1
The modifier have 100% chance to be applied on the requirement.
Example :
"chance": 0.4
The modifier have 40% chance to be applied on the requirement.
Name : max
Description :
A positive integer that define the maximum value obtained after applying this upgrade.
Fox example if the modifier multiply all energy output by 2 and the max is set to 1000, the maximum energy output by the recipe will be 1000FE, even if it should be greater after the multiplication.
Example :
"max": 42
Whatever the modifier does, the resulting value won't be greater than 42.
Name : min
Description :
A positive integer that define the minimum value obtained after applying this upgrade.
Fox example if the modifier divide all items consumed by 2 and the min is set to 1, the recipe will always consume 1 item.
Example :
"min": 42
Whatever the modifier does, the resulting value won't be lower than 42.
Name : tooltip
Description :
The tooltip that will render when a player hover any machine upgrade item in a gui while holding shift.
This is a text component.
Default :
A short string that describe what the modifier does : -50% Energy input
Example :
"tooltip": {
"text": "Overclock: Recipe time divided by 2",
"color": "orange"
The tooltip will be "Overclock: Recipe time divided by 2" in orange.
A modifier that half the time needed to process a recipe :