The heat requirement (and also heat_per_tick requirement) can be used in a recipe to consume or produce mekanism heat.
The requirement will directly interact with the machine's heat component, if the machine does not have a heat component then the requirement won't work.
Output : produce heat, increase machine temperature.
This requirement can either consume/produce heat once with
"type": "custommachinery:heat"
or each tick of the recipe with
"type": "custommachinery:heat_per_tick".
The heat requirement has 3 mandatory properties and 2 optional properties.
Mandatory properties
"type": "custommachinery:heat" //Mandatory to define a heat requirement.
"type": "custommachinery:heat_per_tick" //Mandatory to define a heat per tick requirement.
Name : mode
Description :
Define the I/O mode of the requirement.
input The requirement will consume heat at the start of the crafting process.
output The requirement will produce heat at the end of the crafting process.
Example :
"mode": "input"
The requirement will consume heat at the start of the crafting process.
Name : amount
Description :
A positive integer that define the amount of heat you want to be consumed/produced.
Note : the amount here is not a temperature, but the heat stored by the machine.
stored_heat = machine_temperature * heat_capacity
If you want to know how much the machine temperature will change depending on the amount specified here you have to do :
temperature_change = amount / base_temperature
where temperatures and capacity are in Kelvin.
Example :
"amount": 1000
The recipe will consume/produce 1000 heat. If the machine heat capacity is 273K (default), the machine temperature will increase/decrease by 1000/273=3.66K
Optional properties
Name : chance
Description :
A double between 0.0 and 1.0 that define the chance of the requirement to be processed.
Default : 1
The requirement will always be processed.
Example :
"chance": 0.7
The requirement will have 70% chance to be processed.
Name : delay
Description :
A double value, between 0.0 and 1.0 that represents at which time of the recipe the requirement action must be executed.
A delay of 0.5 represent half of the recipe, 0.25 a quarter etc...
Doesn't work for per_tick requirements.
Default : 0
The requirement action will be executed on start if mode is input or on end if mode is output.
Example :
"delay": 0.33
The requirement action will be executed when the recipe progress time is at (approximatively) a third of the recipe total duration.
Note :
If delay is specified the requirement will be only executed at the specified delay, independently of the mode property.
A heat requirement that will make the custom machine recipe produce 1000 of Mekanism heat with 50% chance :