
Customize which catalysts are shown for the machine in the jei recipe category.

The machine json have a catalysts property, used to tell jei that other machines can craft the same recipes that this machine.

This is only used for display and navigating through the jei recipe gui.

The machines must be specified by their ID, a machine json located in data/mymod/machines/mymachine.json will have an ID of mymod:mymachine.

The catalysts can be 1 machine ID or an array.

The current machine is already specified by default, you don't need to put it again in that list.


Add the following property to the Power Crusher in the test datapack, now when checking a Power Crusher recipe jei will also display the Stone Generator and Magic Spawner at the left of the GUI.

    "catalysts": ["custommachinery:magic_spawner", "custommachinery:stone_generator"]

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