JEI Recipe GUI
Customize the jei recipe gui for the machine.
All your machines recipe are displayed in jei without you having to do anything (beside the machine and recipe json).
The jei recipe gui will be a copy of the Machine Gui you created.
A few types of elements such as text and texture are not displayed in jei unless their own "jei" property is set to true.
But in some cases you may want to have a different gui for your recipes than the machine one, with more or less elements.
To do that you can make your own jei recipe gui. By simply using the "jei"
property in the machine json and putting here a list of elements you want to be displayed in jei.
The syntax and elements are exactly the same as in the "gui"
property :
NOTE : As soon as you use the "jei"
property in the machine json, all elements defined in the "gui"
property will not be used by the jei recipe gui. You have to copy the elements you want to keep.
The machine gui itself will not change if you use this property, only the jei one will be affected.
Last updated