This is the component that let your machine interact with the Mekanism heat system, it is also compatible with any mods that make use of Mekanism heat.
Heat component is defined as a unique machine component, meaning that you can only have 1 per machine.
If you try to define more than 1 heat component only the first will be used.
The heat component make use of the Config property (same as items, fluid, energy, gas etc...) to configure which sides of the machine can input or output heat.
By default all sides of the machine will be in input only mode.
Heat component is defined with "type": "custommachinery:heat" in the json.
The heat component has only 1 mandatory property and 5 optional properties :
Mandatory properties
"type": "custommachinery:heat" //Mandatory to define a heat component.
Optional properties
Name : capacity
Description :
A positive double that represent the maximal temperature (in Kelvin) the machine can store.
Default : 373K (100°C)
Example :
"capacity": 1000 //The machine can heat up to 1000K or 727°C
Base temperature
Name : base_temp
Description :
The ambient temperature (in Kelvin) of the machine, if the machine is not heated nor cooled its temperature will slowly return to this value.
Default : 300K (27°C)
Example :
The machine ambient temperature will be 373K or 100°C
"base_temp": 373
Inverse conduction coefficient
Name : conduction
Description :
I don't really know what it does, so here is the definition from Mekanism API :
"This value defines how much heat is allowed to be dissipated. The larger the number the less heat can dissipate. The trade-off is that it also allows for lower amounts of heat to be inserted."
It's a decimal value that must be greater than 0.
Default : 1
Example :
The machine's inverse conduction coefficient will be 0.5
"conduction": 0.5
Inverse insulation coefficient
Name : insulation
Description :
I don't really know what it does, so here is the definition from Mekanism API :
"The larger the value the less heat dissipates into the environment."
It's a decimal value.
Default : 0
Example :
The machine's inverse insulation coefficient will be 1
"insulation": 1
The most basic heat component :
"type": "custommachinery:heat"
A heat component that will allow outputing heat on all sides :