
Use the drop requirement in a KubeJS recipe

Use one of these methods to add a Drop Requirement to the recipe.

//Check for a specific item.
.checkDrop(item, amount, radius)
//Check for any item.
.checkAnyDrop(amount, radius)
//Check for a list of items.
.checkDrops(filter, amount, radius)
.checkDrops(filter, amount, radius, whitelist)

.consumeDropOnStart(item, amount, radius)
.consumeAnyDropOnStart(amount, radius)
.consumeDropsOnStart(filter, amount, radius)
.consumeDropsOnStart(filter, amount, radius, whitelist)

.consumeDropOnEnd(item, amount, radius)
.consumeAnyDropOnEnd(amount, radius)
.consumeDropsOnEnd(filter, amount, radius)
.consumeDropsOnEnd(filter, amount, radius, whitelist)

  • The item param must be an item created using Item.of(). Example : Item.of("minecraft:dirt")

  • The amount param must be a positive integer, it represents the amount of items checked/consumed.

  • The radius param must be a positive integer, it represents the maximum distance to the machine the items will be searched.

  • The filter param must be an array of items. Example : [Item.of("minecraft:diamond"), Item.of("minecraft:cobblestone")]. It represents a whitelist of items to search.

  • The whitelist param must be a boolean, if set to false the filter will be a blacklist instead of a whitelist.


ServerEvents.recipes(event => {

  event.recipes.custommachinery.custom_machine("custommachinery:power_crusher", 100)
  .checkDrop(Item.of("minecraft:diamond"), 1, 10)

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