Text element

Add text in the machine gui.

Text element is used to render a text on the Machine GUI.

Text elements are defined in json with : "type": "custommachinery:text".

The text must be a single string and can't have multiple lines (use multiple text elements for that).

Currently you can't change the size of the text.

By default all text gui elements are hidden in jei, to make them show up see the "jei" property below.


The text element has 4 mandatory properties and 4 optional properties :

Mandatory properties

"type": "custommachinery:text" //Mandatory to define a text element.

Name : x

Description :

A positive integer value that define the x axis position of the element to be displayed on the Machine GUI.

Example :

The element will be rendered 100px to the right from the top-left corner of the gui.

"x": 100

Name : y

Description :

A positive integer value that define the y axis position of the element to be displayed on the Machine GUI.

Example :

The element will be rendered 100px to the bottom from the top-left corner of the gui.

"y": 100

Name : text

Description :

The Text to be rendered on the GUI.

It can be a simple string or a translation key.

Example :

"text": "An Awesome Title For My Machine GUI !"

Optional properties


Name : priority

Description :

An integer property that define the priority of the Element to be rendered.

Elements with higher priority will be rendered first. If 2 elements are at the same position the first to be rendered will be under and the last will be above.

Default : 0

Example :

The element will be rendered under each element that have a priority lower than 1000.

"priority": 1000

Name : alignment

Description :

How the text is aligned compared to the Element position. Available values are left/center/right

Default : left

The left of the text string will be at the Element position.

Example :

"alignment": "center" //The center of the text string will be at the element position.

Name : color

Description :

An integer value that define the color of the text. The value must be an integer encoded like 0xRRGGBB.

Go here if you don't know how to calculate an integer color from RGB values.

Default : 0

Black text.

Example :

"color": 16711680 //Full red.

Name : jei

Description :

A boolean that define if the element should render in jei.

Default : false

Example :

The element will render in jei :

"jei": true


A basic text element :

    "type": "custommachinery:text",
    "x": 20,
    "y": 20,
    "text": "My Awesome Machine"

Result :

Last updated