
Define recipe requirements in the recipe json to make the recipe do something

Recipe requirements are what make a recipe do things, should it be inputs, outputs, world interaction etc...

A recipe can take an unlimited amount of requirements.

When processing a recipe, the machine will check all requirements and execute their actions, if one or several requirement couldn't be processed, the machine will switch to error status, display an error and try again later.

Requirements are defined in a recipe json using the "requirement" property to specify an array of requirements :

    "requirements": [
            //Requirement 1
            //Requirement 2

The "requirement" property is optional but the recipe will do nothing if no requirements are specified.

Available requirements

There are currently 21 requirement types implemented, each one of them have a specific goal and can be configured as you need.

BiomeBlockCommandDimensionDropDurabilityEffectEnergyEnergy per tickEntityFluidFluid per tickFuelItemLightLoot tablePositionStructureRedstoneTimeWeather

Last updated